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About Us


At O'Shea Construction, we enjoy building relationships and pride ourselves on "work[ing] heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men" (Col 3:23). We see it this way...Jesus Christ has restored and is restoring all things, including work! Work was created and meant for our good and the good of those around us. Through Christ, work is fulfilling, purpose filled, rich with meaning and has an eternal impact. We want people to hear this message through our actions of how we work and live our lives. Our ultimate desire is for our residential remodeling clients to encounter the love of Jesus Christ through the way we love and care for people while we perform work for them.

Our Mission

To honor and glorify the Lord through providing the highest quality home improvement services, while discipling trade partners and other associates. 

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Company Values

Integrity (in our work)

Intentional (in our relationships)

Integrated (in our lives)

Invested (in our team)

Our Roots

The roots of O’Shea Construction are simple. Hard work…good ole fashion, crawling through the mud, physically challenging, sweaty, hands dirty kind of work. Mentor-ship…hiring young men to teach them and grow them in their character, and to shape young men to impact their communities in the future. 

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